snowdrift|snowdrifts in English


bank of snow, mound of snow piled up by the wind; snow driven by the wind

Use "snowdrift|snowdrifts" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "snowdrift|snowdrifts" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "snowdrift|snowdrifts", or refer to the context using the word "snowdrift|snowdrifts" in the English Dictionary.

1. A snowdrift blocked his path.

2. The car got stuck in a snowdrift.

3. A huge snowdrift is blocking the entrance to the driveway.

4. The train ran into a snowdrift.

5. Huge snowdrifts had accumulated on the airport's runways.

6. Eventually, It'succumbed to the elements and was buried under years of snowdrift.

7. Two huge , hairy ears stuck up above the snowdrift.

8. They came to a large square, dazzling white from swirling snowdrifts.

9. “They had spent the ferocious winter trapped in the snowdrifts below the summit.

10. The dad - blamed car got stuck in a snowdrift.

11. Firefighters helped to dig out the people trapped in the snowdrift.

12. They usually manage to survive a day or so buried in a snowdrift.

13. 16 Firefighters helped to dig out the people trapped in the snowdrift.

14. Bunny and Susan went out to shovel the little Bunny out of the snowdrift.

15. On a bright winter's day spread a sheet of any black material across a snowdrift.

16. They went to the window and saw a very little Bunny stuck fast in a snowdrift.

17. I take the baboon's shaving foam and we make all the snowdrifts and then we start sculpting them into snow people.

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19. I come back with an armful of dead birch to find Tony digging films out of a snowdrift near the tent.

20. The deep Arroyo through which Squaw Creek wound was now only a cleft between snowdrifts--very blue when one looked down into it

21. Were theyeaten by wolves or buried alive in thesnow during some of the many Blizzardswe had last winter? .\t night and duringstormy days in the winter they stay incaves which they scratch out of snowdrifts and instinct seems to tell themwhere to make these holes so that thedrifting snow will not fill up the opening

22. But before long, we were combing the Hudson Valley for the best wildflower honey; four-wheeling through snowdrifts in the Catskill Mountains in pursuit of the richest maple syrup; eating our way through Queens to discover the most complex gochujang; and sourcing the warmest cinnamon bark from Indonesia, the Briniest sea salt from Amagansett

23. But before long, we were combing the best aparies for the best wildflower honey; four-wheeling through snowdrifts in the Catskill Mountains in pursuit of the richest maple syrup; eating our way through Queens to discover the most complex gochujang; and sourcing the warmest cinnamon bark from Indonesia, the Briniest sea salt from Amagansett, and

24. Those snow-Begirded iron peaks Which loom o’er land and vale, Where sprout a myriad of creeks Which down the mountain sail, Where glaciers melt to cadet streams Which seep down steep ravines And sunlight in the snowdrift gleams And glitters in between Pale rocks of valour, standing there For eons keeping watch, Up high in free and blitheful air,